With the wide application of bending machines in construction machinery products, in order to satisfy their product quality and production requirements, their quality standards have gradually improved.
According to the different viewpoints of planners, the CNC sheet metal V-groove planer is planned to have two mainstream forms.
Many customers are confused by brands with a large price difference from low to high when purchasing a router.
This solution is a new type of bending machine base, including a base, the left and right sides of the base are fixedly installed with side plates, and the upper ends of the left and right side walls are fixedly installed with left and right blade guide grooves.
The sheet metal bending machine is a widely used bending machine, which has already realized hydraulic pressure, and rapidly realized numerical control in the 1980s.
The important thing to consider is the parts you want to produce. The main point is to buy a machine that can complete the processing task with a short workbench and a small tonnage.
An important product of the bending machine, the bending machine is mainly composed of a bracket, a table and a clamping plate, and the table is composed of a base and a splint.
Before the shearing machine is operated, wear tight-fitting protective clothing, fasten the cuffs, and do not open the hem of the jacket.